
SET EXPO 2016 in Sao Paulo, Brazil |Datavideo

SET EXPO 2016 in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sep 01 2016

Merlin and Datavideo at SET Expo 2016

SET Expo 2016 was a success! We had a record number of visitors at our booth. The Most popular products at the show were our new PTC-150T HD PTZ camera with HDBaseT, SE-1200MU 6 input HD video switcher with RMC-260 control panel, and the Replay Kit that includes HDR-10 instant replay unit and RMC-400 controller.

If you are in Brazil and want to learn more about our products or are ready to make a purchase, please contact our Sales Manager, Ricardo Santos or our Distributor, Merlin Video.

Thank you to everyone who visited our booth at SET Expo. We look forward to another great year in Brazil.

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