General Streaming Information

Facebook RTMPS Support Bulletin for Datavideo Streaming Encoders

Facebook RTMPS Support Bulletin for Datavideo Streaming Encoders

Facebook RTMPS Support Bulletin for Datavideo Streaming Encoders

Nov 03 2020 | General Streaming Information

Datavideo Facebook Live / RTMPS support


Facebook Live is transitioning to RTMPS (RTMP over a TLS/SSL connection) as of May 1st, 2019. We are actively working on supporting RTMPS for our current line of streaming encoders.  We are in the process of beta testing several firmware updates prior to making them available for release. 

We will release firmware updates on the individual product pages as soon as they are available.

**UPDATE** - Facebook has extended to transition timeframe for the RTMPS requirement to November 1, 2019.

Here are some restrictions that Facebook has in place with streaming:

  • If you start a Live session on your FB personal account, the “Use a secure connection” is greyed out. You are forced to use RTMPS. 


  • If you start a Live session on your FB Page (Business Account), the “Use a secure connection” is available and can be unchecked thus you can use RTMP.


Currently Supported Devices

The NVS-25 now supports RTMPS streaming to Facebook!  RTMPS support was added via firmware version FW190711.

The NVS-30 already supports RTMPS protocol and you can simply paste in the Facebook provided RTMPS URL directly into NVS-30.

NVS-31 (Internal encoder/recorder for the Hand Carried Mobile Studios)
The NVS-31 now supports RTMPS streaming to Facebook!  RTMPS support was added via firmware version FW20190705NVS or higher.


The NVS-33 supports RTMPS streaming to Facebook!  RTMPS support was added via firmware version FW20190705NVS-07 or higher.


This encoder supports RTMPS Streaming to Facebook.

The NVS-40 now supports RTMPS for streaming to Facebook!  RTMPS support was added via firmware version 1.5.8 or higher.




This is a legacy product which will not support RTMPS streaming.




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